An overview of the Javascript module systems

This article will give a brief introduction in common Javascript module systems.

For longer descriptions see this great article.

Term definitions

  • Bundler: Ties up modularized Javascript-files to, in most cases, one file, which can be included in HTML-Page
  • Loader: loads modularized Javascript-files, while HTML-Page is loading
  • Transpiler: Translates Javascript files in Browser-compatible syntax, e.g. for ES6, Typescript or Coffeescript
  • AMD: Asynchronous module definition
  • UMD: Universal module definition
  • ES6: ECMAScript 6


Module-System Module-Bundler Module-Loader Module-Transpiler Native Interface Favourite testing tool
Module pattern - - - HTML with <script>-Tags Qunit
CommonJS: exports + require Browserify - - Node Mocha
AMD: define + require R.js (Requirejs) RequireJS or Curl - (HTML with loader-dep) -
ES6: import and export - - Babel/Rollup Node*, HTML** Mocha after transpilation
UMD: Design pattern to support AMD and CJS - - - Node, HTML Qunit/Mocha

* Node supports nearly all features since 8.2.1
** Currently transpiler are still needed

Three tools are still missing in the table, because they have a special role:

  1. SystemJS: A module loader which supports all module systems
  2. Webpack: Main task is module bundling, but it has also support for module loading and transpiling (with help of plugins)
  3. Parcel: A new star at the module horizon? Promise is same functional range as Webpack but without configuration => Currently not used by the author

Some example source code for using the different module systems can be found at my Github example project