Daily blog


  • Use CommonJS library in browser which was bundled with Webpack
    • Entry-Point has to reference Module which exports functions
    • Set library name for accessing functions
    • Github-Project
  • Tested some frameworks for e2e-tests
    • CasperJS => needs global phantomJS-installation
    • PhantomJS => no npm package for testing/ci?
    • Karma + Jasmine => no framework or library for DOM-Tests out-of-the-box


Most important topics since last entry

  • Finished TestDrivenDevelopment with JUnit & Fit
  • Started Professional Javascript development by Philip Ackermann
  • Created Showcase-Project for (Context) Dependency Injection in Java SE environment with Weld (Gradle + IntelliJ), HK2 and Guice
    • Weld: Needed workarounds for Gradle and IntelliJ
  • Append different Gradle Source-Sets to Sonarqube analysis
    • Test coverage is taken from Jacoco plugin which is appended by additional source sets (First property)
    • Test classes should be shown in Sonarqube, too (Second property) which is currently not working
    • Example code of build.gradle
      sonarqube() {
          properties {
              property "sonar.jacoco.reportPaths", ["$buildDir/jacoco/test.exec", "$buildDir/jacoco/integrationTest.exec"]
              // TODO: Why is not this working?, see doc at https://docs.sonarqube.org/display/SCAN/Analyzing+with+SonarQube+Scanner+for+Gradle
              // and StackOverflow at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49128969/sonarqube-does-not-show-tests-from-different-gradle-source-sets
              properties["sonar.tests"] += sourceSets.integrationTest.allSource.srcDirs.findAll({ it.exists() })
  • For creating additional source sets in Gradle, see UsefulLinks


Upload project for exploring book examples. Current book is TestDrivenDevelopment With JUnit & Fit from Frank Westphal.


  • Object oriented design while TDD
  • Study JUnit-Framework Code!
  • Sort testcases around the testfixture
  • Interface substitution by Tammo Freese
  • Try JUnit-cardiogram
  • Lookup further literature
  • Look for some material for REPL-testing


Added two branches in TemplatesSnippetsAndExperiments